7 Days in Costa Rica
What happens when 30 people who want to make the world a better place come together and shower one another with acceptance, love, and gratitude? And what happens when they hold space for one another so that each person can heal their bodies and spirits? The world is changed. It becomes a softer, kinder place. And like the Butterfly Effect, where a butterfly flapping its wings in New Mexico has the power to cause a hurricane in China, one person filled with love, light, and intention also has the power to change the world. The connection is real. Creating change begins in the heart. It takes a lot of courage to be vulnerable, honest and open to seeing the beauty and pure power of our true selves.
I recently had the honor and privilege of being in the presence of such a group of beautiful souls for seven days at a Wise Warrior retreat that was held at Hacienda del Sol, just outside the small village of San Juanillo in Costa Rica. The experience offered me a glimpse into a world of endless possibilities and filled me with hope for the future. The retreat was lead by several wise warriors on a mission to shake things up. Strong, fierce, tender, compassionate and absolutely stunning women, who radiate beauty inside and out. I was one of a handful of men and women from my generation, older in appearance but still very young at heart. I was referred to more than once as Mama Earth, which I enthusiastically claimed because I did love them all as if they were my own children.
Wise Warrior Retreat founders and staff.
Throughout the week I danced like a little girl with my hands up in the air, twirling, laughing and weaving in and out of the other dancers. At one moment, I thought of a song I wrote several years ago called Tiny Dancers. “Tiny dancers, they were so unafraid, to let the music take them far away. Tiny dancers, weightless as butterflies, nothing holding them back from flying high.” I even danced in the pool and felt the water against my skin, through my fingers, weightless and free from the pull of gravity and effort. I swam in the ocean, feeling the push and pull of the powerful tide course through every cell in my body. I left a stone cairn of five stacked rocks on the beach, each rock blessed with the intention of something I wanted to bring to my life. With a small stick, I cleared energies that might be holding me back from receiving those things, then broke the stick and threw it into the waves right as the sun went down. I also experienced the magical world of plant medicine in three ceremonies that took me on unforgettable spiritual journeys (a story in itself.) Through Shamanic breathing, I felt the power of my breath as it brought electrifying energy into my arms and legs, vibrating throughout my bones, blood, muscles, and skin as it cleared and opened pathways. I sat peacefully stringing beads and tying knots until I had a strand of 109 beads, yes I had one extra, for a beautiful mala necklace.
In seven days, I became part of a tribe of amazing human beings. There were hugs, laughter, and tears. And my body was filled with beautiful and nourishing food. I'm sure little seeds will continue to sprout up here and there in the coming days, months, and years. And I do know that I have some really good friends in Los Angeles, Florida, Denver, Boulder, Durango, Paonia, Canada, and New Hampshire that I can call on in times of need. I look forward to the day I see their beautiful faces again. There are so many stories to tell. Stories about marching Army ants, Howler monkeys, beautiful birds, iguanas, and more. Those who know me well, know that I don’t use the “F” word. Although I am not offended when others use it, it just doesn’t work for me. I have tried a couple of times and my family still roars in laughter when they tell the story about the times I did. However, to say my time in Costa Rica was amazing just doesn’t seem to capture the experience—it was f*@#ing amazing!